Have diesel generators up to 800 kW in Delhi-NCR? Then you must read the CAQM’s latest directions.
As of 9 February 2023, the Supreme Court-appointed CAQM issued directions regarding diesel generators in Delhi-NCR. Any use of DG sets up to 800 kW capacity will be allowed only if they transition to the dual fuel system. The dual fuel system must use up to 70% gas and 30% diesel.
This is for the coming summer and the deadline to meet this compliance is 15th May 2023.
The CAQM (referred to as Commission here onwards) directions are important. The body constituted for the management of air quality, is directly answerable to the Supreme Court.
Some industry insiders are concerned about the push to dual fuel systems. They wonder if these regulations are temporary or permanent. Directions issued by the government and courts over the years show dual fuel as a key element. It is a prominent part of India’s strategy to reduce emissions and improve air quality in major cities.
Energeia’s team is closely monitoring this. We understand these compliances and our technology is guided by them. We will provide you with solutions that are safe for the engine, and help you optimize gas savings. Importantly, our closed-loop technology ensures that emissions from diesel generators reduce across loads.

Understanding air pollution and diesel generators
Dual fuel got its push in 2019 with the launch of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP). The central government body was tasked to prepare a clean air action plan to reduce particulate matter (PM) concentration. They set a goal of reducing 30% PM concentration in cities covered by the NCAP by 2024. In September 2022, they revised this and set a new target of reducing 40% PM by 2026.
The NCAP study states that diesel generator sets contribute up to 18% to ambient air pollution in non-attainment cities. Problematically, 91% of diesel generator sets have no regulation once they are manufactured. This is despite the fact that the older the diesel generator gets, the more air pollution it is likely to contribute to. This goes up to 11 times the standards set during its manufacture.
The norms in place, issued by state pollution control boards, were only meant for new generators. The NCAP said it was crucial therefore to fix the gap and address emissions from older in-use generators.
The NGT acted on the NCAP report and directed state pollution control boards to ensure compliance with air quality norms. The order reinforced the NCAP recommendation to retrofit equipment to control emissions or shift to gas-based generators entirely. It also suggested retrofitting existing diesel generators for partial gas usage through the dual fuel system.
Tamil Nadu’s state pollution control board was the first to spring into action, followed by Haryana and Kerala.
The Commission on Diesel Generators
Earlier the Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) was responsible for managing air pollution in Delhi-NCR. In October 2020, the EPCA was disbanded and in its place, the Commission was created by the Supreme Court.
From EPCA to the Present
The EPCA had earlier directed that no diesel generator could be used during the GRAP enforcement in winter months. The Commission later took over and strengthened the push toward energy transition.
In February 2022, the Commission issued multiple directions to Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana regarding diesel generators. During GRAP enforcement in winter months, diesel generators could operate for two hours daily if they met two criteria. First, the diesel generators must convert to dual fuel mode using up to 70% gas and 30% diesel. Second, diesel generators with up to 800 kW gross power must be equipped with Retrofitted Emission Control devices.
Energeia played a crucial role in helping our clients make this transition in a seamless way. Our team has experience working on a bottom-up approach.As a result, we understand the requirements inside these plants or units. We are also well-versed with practical issues during the transition to energy efficiency.
We provided end-to-end solutions through our shared savings business model. Read more about this here.
Evolving Directions & Energeia’s Role
Subsequently, in September 2022, the Commission issued directions for diesel generators above 800 kW during the GRAP winter season. They allowed these DGs to operate for two hours daily if converted to dual fuel mode. In areas lacking natural gas infrastructure and supply, DGs could run for a maximum of one hour daily.
Moving forward, with the latest directions issued on February 9, 2023, the commission has introduced rules for the summer months. These go beyond the GRAP/winter season. They now require that any diesel generators up to 800 kW power capacity can function in Delhi-NCR only if converted to a dual fuel system.
Furthermore, as subject matter experts, we understand the changing regulations and practical concerns of the market. We believe we can make this transition hassle-free and smooth. Our team has already completed at least 100 dual fuel transitions for diesel generators up to 800 kW.
Reach out to us at riyaz.husain@energeia.in email ID and +91 7837833596 for further information. Or click here to get a quotation.